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  2. Project Management Stages

Project Management Stages

Project Management Stages are meant to deliver push notifications and emails to a current customer as their project reaches new milestones.


Editing Project Management Stages

Location: Settings > Project Management Stage

Establishing these milestones can be set by clicking on the edit pencil under the Action Header. The Label titles are customer facing. 

9 stages is the maximum amount but if you’d like to use less, you can click ‘Active’ to make a stage inactive. 

If your package allows multiple projects, you can click on ‘View Projects’ to title each tracker

i.e Solar Project, Windows Project etc

Color Settings for App

If you want to modify the way the Project Stage colors work to match your brand coloring, you can easily do that by pressing the “Color Settings” green button located on the Project Management Dashboard.

How to Enable Project Stages for Advocates

In order to update advocates on project stages, project stages must be enabled for that individual advocate. In order to enable this option, head to 

Location: Advocates > Active

  1. Check the Advocate(s) box next to their name
  2. Select Enable for Project Stages green button
  3. Press Ok at the top of the web browser to confirm changes

How to change the project stage for one or multiple Advocates

In order change the project stages for a particular Advocate, the Company Admin must go to

Location: Advocates > Customer Project Management

  1. the checkbox on the left row must be selected
  2. proceed to click the green box saying Assign Project Stage(s). 
  3. A Popup with drop down for Project Stages will open
  4. Once the project stage is selected on the dropdown and you click Assign Stage(s) on the bottom
    1. a push notification will be sent to the advocate about their Project Stage being updated.

Under the Action Tab, you can also individually change the stage for an advocate as well


To remove an advocate from Project Stages, make sure an Advocate checkbox is selected and click on the red box titled “Remove for Project Stages”

CRM Integration with Project Status Milestones


*In most cases, Project Status Milestones can be integrated with your CRM so that updates to the app occur when updates are made in the CRM. 

To learn more, please consult your account manager.