An Admin can update/edit the Product Management Section
You can add/edit Products and set the Verified amount, Bonus amount, bonus qualifications, and Sold amount for each respective product.
The Products list will be displayed in your Mobile App. An Advocate must assign a product to any Referral.

Figure 92: Product Management
The above screen displays the grid details for Products. You can add/edit/delete and manage Products from here. The desired Product can be searched using Search Field.
Product details grid contains following items:
- Product Name
- Description
- Verified Referral Amount
- Bonus Amount
- Bonus After (Sold Referrals)
- Show Rewards on App
- Status of a particular product can be changed to Inactive by clicking an Active button or vice versa
- Action: Click on “Edit/Delete” icon, to edit/delete a particular Product
Click on “History” icon, to view history of a particular Product
Click on “Next” to view next users list
Click on “Previous” to view previous users list

Adding a New Product

Figure 93: Add Product
Steps to Add/Edit a Product
- Enter the Product Name in the given field
- Enter Description in the given field
- Enter Verified Referral Amount in the given field
- Enter Sold Referral Amount in the given field
- Enter Bonus After (Sold Referrals) in the field
- Enter Bonus Amount in the given field
- Select the check box Show Rewards on App, to show rewards earned by a particular Advocator on mobile app
- Click “Choose File” button to upload a profile picture
- Click Save to successfully add new product
Partner Page Settings
This is the new section added on Add/Edit Product Page. (Refer Figure 93: Add Product)
You can show Product, Rewards, Verified Referral, Sold Referral, Bonus Rewards on Partner Page by using check boxes.
Product History

Figure 94: Product History
The above screen displays the Product History Table. You can view the details of a particular product and its amount and Expired On date which are now inactive.
It contains following grid items:
- Product Name
- Description
- Verified Referral Amount
- Sold Referral Amount
- Bonus Amount
- Bonus After (Sold Referrals)
- Show Rewards on App
- Status
NOTE: The status is set to Inactive when a new Product record is added and the prior Product amount and date is expired
- Expired On: Displays the list of expired dates of a particular product's prior amount details
Advocate Sales Rep Product
The Advocate Sales Rep Product allows your Sales Reps to have one login for both App and Dashboard. By assigning this product to your Sales Rep it creates a "Self-Gen" Lead for your Organization and allows you to separate how you reward an Advocate and a Sales Rep.
Click here for a video walkthrough on using the Advocate Sales Rep Product