Advocate SalesRep Management

Advocate SalesReps are SalesReps with access to the Application, and can send in referrals to advocates through the Application

What are Advocate SalesReps?

Advocate SalesReps are SalesReps with access to the Application, and can send in referrals to advocates through the Application

To activate for your SalesReps as Advocates go to

Location: Sales Reps > Active 

  1. Once on the SaleRep Management Page, click on the SalesReps name to proceed 
  1. Once on the SalesReps Detail Page, click on the Green button labeled “Make Advocate SalesRep.
  1. Once selected, make sure to confirm by pressing “OK”

After confirming, the SalesRep will be listed under “Advocate Sales Rep” 

Products for Advocate SalesReps

Because they are Advocate SalesReps & not just an Advocate, there is a different Product for Advocate SalesRes called “Advocate SalesRep Product”

To view the Product of the Advocate SalesRep go to 

Location: Settings > Product 

This product is auto assigned any salesrep advocate who send a referral through the applicationThe reason why the Referrals Amount for Advocate SalesRep Products is at a 0 dollar payout, is because as SalesReps it is their responsibility to send in those referrals, where companies pay out unlike customers to need to send in referrals so they can get their referral payout incentive

If the Company Admin wants to modify the Payout of their SalesRep Advocate, just click on the pencil icon under “Action”

Your customers will not be able to see or select this product, including advocate SalesReps